Hello, Sweet Human.
I’m so glad you’re here.

Shall we take a breath together?

Like, seriously.

Feel free to stop where you are, notice whatever part of you is touching couch/earth/grass, and let’s do this.


Inhale…feel everything move and expand and life rush into your lungs and say “hey! I love you! I’m here for you!”

Exhale…feel things settle back into the center of your body, feel how easy it is to let go.

Feel free to do a few more rounds before you keep reading. All those words below can wait. Nothing more important than breath 🤍.

It has taken me a while to get to the point where I could write up the description for this round of choir because, like most of us, the waves of grief are coming strong these days. There is so much to grieve right now, individually and collectively. A lot of us feel stunned, stuck, powerless, despairing, enraged, terrified, overwhelmed, disoriented, confused, isolated…there are many very good reasons for that. If you feel any of those things, well done (seriously)—it means you’re paying attention.

Grief is all of the things listed above and more. It is a complex constellation of emotions and experiences that comes with any life shift, “good” or “bad.” We all experience it differently, and yet it is a universal and uniting human experience. It is the transition space that moves us from one life shape to another. It is a force of love, even as it often causes great pain.

A lot of us have learned to fear or avoid grief. And with good reason. It’s not something we’re meant to do alone. Our ancestors knew that gathering, caring for each other, singing and feeling together were simple, embodied, tried-and-true ways of allowing grief to move through us and reshape us. Much like wind moving over sand dunes or water moving over stone to reshape those landscapes, we too, as individuals and communities, are landscapes meant to be reshaped. We are being called into that reshaping right now.

Another emotion that often comes when we are forged in the fires of grief and change, when we get what we need to weather that reshaping, and we come out the other side…there is so much awe, there is so much gratitude. Gratitude is a partner to grief. She is the doula, the midwife of grief. She makes sure we don’t drown in our sorrows or inflict pain in our rage. She holds us and tells us “this is your birthright. You are built for this. Many have gone before you, facing and surmounting new challenges that no one before them knew how to meet. We are in this together.” As Valerie Shakur reminds us when we are in the labor of life, “breathe…push,” and in our case, sing.

Fire Choir: Grief & Gratitude is a community space where we explore singing, sound, breath, and movement, while strengthening our relationship to our voices and ourselves. It’s about exploring different aspects of our expression and letting them sing. It’s about listening deeply and being truly heard. It’s about feeling the harder things that might show up when we pay close enough attention, so that we may learn, then grow, then sing from a new space. It is about cultivating community from this space, all so that we may meet the calls of life with integrity, capacity, and loads of love.

I simply invite you to pause for a moment and imagine a space where you can show up however you are on any given day,—exhausted and in need of rest, energized and in need of expression, or isolated and in need of connection—and land in community focused on cultivating sense of self, expression, regulation, and connection through music and movement.

If this resonates with you, you’re invited to 8 weeks of Fire Choir: Grief & Gratitude.

Important note—in the Fire Choir space, we value decolonization and transformative justice as frameworks that we aim to practice at individual and collective levels. If you are unfamiliar with these frameworks, you are encouraged to learn about them before entering the space.

The Details

When: Wednesdays, March 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; & May 7 from 7-8:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm and participants are strongly encouraged to come early to decompress, be in community, etc.

Where: Mercury Project, 538 Roosevelt Ave., in Southtown San Antonio, Texas.

Fire choir FAQ

Who is welcome in the space?

While Fire Choir began as a space for women and femmes, we opened our space to folks of all gender expressions last year. Fire Choir is a space for anyone interested in being in community in the ways listed on this website. Please enter the space with the intention to be aware and respectful of your positionality and privilege regarding other’s identities such as gender, sexuality, ability, age, race, creed, and class.

What does the space look/feel like?

That’s kind of hard to explain, but the best we’ve come up with so far is to think yoga class mixed with non-traditional choir mixed with slumber party.

What would you need to bring?

Yoga mat, journal, writing utensil, water bottle, wear comfy clothes.

Together in this space, we’ll:

  • Rediscover the enjoyment of authenticity and embodiment through movement, breath, sound and singing.

  • Explore singing games and exercises that support vocal technique, development and capacity to sing in harmony.

  • Track our nervous systems with curiosity, orienting towards resources, build our capacity to be with ups and downs, and feel more pleasure.

  • Learn to deeply listen to ourselves and each other

  • Feel into and learn to better navigate and voice our needs, desires, and boundaries

  • Practice simplicity, slowing down, pausing, and resting in ways that feel accessible and supportive

  • Build community and be held by a group of like-hearted folks, as well as opportunities to help co-create and care for our space

  • Participate in embodiment practices that support grief and gratitude

  • Play games that foster playful connection to self and others— play is so important always, but espeicially in times of grief!

  • Enjoy nummy snacks and tea at each session

Outside of class time, there is space to process your journey and connect in community:

  • Weekly Journaling prompts

  • Weekly vocal meditations to bring home and try 

  • Group chat to share and guide each other with journaling prompts and questions

  • 30 minutes before weekly sessions to come together and connect in person

  • Opportunities to gather as a cohort outside of class

Illness and COVID-19 Policy

We will be singing indoors and unmasked. As singing without masks indoors is a high risk activity when it comes to the transmission of COVID-19 and other airborne diseases, participants will be asked to keep tabs on their symptoms, test for COVID if they are symptomatic before attending a singing session, and stay home when needed.

Sliding Scale Pricing for Vocal Meditation

General Admission: $175-375. $275 is the price that covers Olivia's time in and out of sessions and expenses for the course. If you can give on the higher end, thank you for doing so! It supports the admission of those who currently do not have as much access to funds. 16 slots available.

Add-on private sessions: $90-120. Available for those wanting to do a deep dive with additional 1:1 care and holding. This option is great for those who are new to this kind of exploration or have a sense that they will want additional personal or musical support beyond what is possible in a group setting. Sessions can be purchased anytime during the course of choir and must be scheduled and completed by 1 month after choir finishes.

If you feel drawn to be here and the posted cost feels prohibitive, please reach out. That draw is important—an invitation to start a conversation and make your needs known. Let’s find a way together to support you and bring you in.🤍

There is one space being held as FREE admission for Black and/or Indigenous fam new to our community.

We so look forward to singing with you!

Cancellation Policy

In the event of an emergency or lack of capacity that prohibits attendance, please contact Olivia as soon as you're able. If you need to back out of participating for whatever reason, including reasons due to COVID-19, your credit can be transferred to another workshop, program or one-on-one work within the next year. Any cancellations less than 10 days prior to the event are subject to forfeiting full investment.